My Husband, Branden, was diagnosed with Psoriatic Arthritis about a year ago. Before that time we had been told for a little over a year that it was a pulled muscle, hammertoe, a torn ligament, that they were going to have to do surgery. Needless to say the surgery never took place, Branden knew there was a little more pain than something that could be fixed with one cut. After going to about ten different doctors we went back to his primary care office located a few towns over. Branden was a little nervous about not seeing his normal doctor, it turned out to be the best thing...
Fast Forward a year and Branden has been seen by a Rheumatologist numerous times. Its hard to believe that so many people got his condition wrong. In our first appointment to the Rheumatologist, Branden recieved a diagnoses within the first five minutes. A ugly skin condition that had occured, psoriasis, was the deciding factor. Branden's pain came long before the psoriasis but boy am I thankful for that ugly skin condition. Without Psoriasis we may still be playing the guessing game.
Psoriatic Arthritis:
A type of arthritus that offen occurs with psoriasis of the skin. The arthritis may be mild and involve only a few joints, especially those at the end of the fingers or toes. In some people the disease may be severe and affect many joints, including the spine. When the spine is affected, the symptoms are stiffness, burning, and pain, most often in the lower spine and sacrum.
Brandens case is severe, although the rheumatologist did catch it before it made it to his spine. Now it's just a daily struggle that we have come to live with. I can proudly say that Branden is super strong and holds himself well. The pride of a lion keeps him going everyday! If you have ever met Branden you probably would not know about his condition, he tends to hide it with a smile and the willingness to act like he's really twenty-five. That may be his age but thats not how old he really feels, somedays I am scared to ask that number. Everyday after I arriving home from work we talk briefly about how he's feeling, I always ask,"What's your Number?" reffering to how old he feels that day. Sometimes he gets pretty close to his age and those days are GREAT, I pray for those days, but those days are very few, far and in between.
We have been a one income family now for about two years. Branden was put on medical leave, from him job, about six months into our marriage. Even though its not correct or even legal Branden was let go from his place of employment after about two months of not being able to work. I am proud to say that we have survived! We have concured this depression, money, pain and even death. Though all of this I have learned that OUR God will not give us anything we can not handle.
Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the
LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. - Deuteronomy 31:6
You see in the beginning of this medical issue Branden couldn't tie his shoes, sit down by himself, and many other things, but Branden continued to go to work up until he was forced into medical leave. I do believe that Branden may have crippled himself trying to work if they would not have forced him into the medical leave.
Tuesday, Branden had a doctors appointment for another issue that occured because of the arthritis and the death of a family member. You see about four months ago they took Branden off of his treatment for Psoriatic Arthritis, to treat this other issue that occured. Your friend, yes your friend, anxiety. Everyone has it, YES EVERYONE! Branden was man enough to admit that with everything that was going on he needed a little bit more help. If you don't know us, we are Christians and believe that the Lord died on the cross for everyone. People have funny opinions about medications. You may be saying just pray about it and the Lord will help you, you don't need that medicine. On the other hand you may not care about the Lord and His word, you may be mocking us thinking the Lord can't cure that, and believe that He is not real. Let me assure you HE IS REAL, HE IS ALIVE AND HE LIVES IN OUR HEARTS. You also must know that the Lord OUR God created the person who came up with this medicine.
Back to what I was writing. After they get his anxiety down they can start back treatment for the Psoriatic Arthritis. The past four months have been real hard. Branden is right back where he started with the Arthritis, but things are looking up. That's all that matters!!!
This makes me tear up! I never knew how serious this condition could be. I am so sorry that both of you are suffering and living a different life due to this awful form of arthritis especially Branden. You both are so strong and have kept your heads up with all that is going on and for that I admire you. Yall are a pretty awesome team & nothing can stand in your way. :) I think of yall often!