
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Just Rambling.....

It's been a while since I've posted so I figured I better get on and update. I don't necessarily have any particular thing to talk about but here it goes.

Psoriatic Arthritis...
Branden has started having more issues with his arthritis. A few months ago they took him off his arthritis medication to get some other issues under control and since then he has not been put back on them. The arthritis is on the move and has started to affect his hands now. It seems as if we are kinda back to where we started. The mornings are HORRIBLE, he hates any kind of weather change and can't stand any precipitation. Sunday was by far the worst I have seen it in a while. I ran around like a chicken with my head cut off trying to locate the crutches and with no luck. I felt so helpless because there was nothing I could do to help. After 30 minutes or so of laying in bed he finally got up and we hobbled our way to the couch. He's a fighter though; After eating Advil for Breakfast he got ready for church. My Daddy had a solo at our church a town over and I really wanted to go see him. Branden being the husband he is pushed through the pain and took me to church. He's so wonderful!!! We have an doctors appointment next Tuesday at 3pm.

Sunday Dinners...
We have started a new tradition with Branden's family. Every Sunday afternoon we eat dinner together. We rotate household and food. The hosting household cooks the main dish and the others bring the sides. This past Sunday it was at Grandma's house and this coming Sunday it will be at Melissa's house. We have the best time.

Our little family would not be the same without our little dog Bella. I am so glad we got a dog and especially this dog. Bella keeps Branden so much company during the day and is so funny! She's so smart and knows what the weekends are, Monday-Friday she is Branden's dog but come the weekend she's all mine. Bella is now full grown at 10lbs.
New Year's Resolutions...
I have done pretty well with my resolutions! Today I hope to start Zumba on the Wii. Since our move it has yet to make it to the living room but it will today. I am doing ok with taking care of my skin and am getting use to a routine. I destress 3 times a week in a long, hot, bubble bath.
You know you live in the south when they talk about snow and the whole world, it seems, shuts down. The D.O.T. trucks are on the road putting out salt, grocery stores run out of milk and bread, everyone gets their propane talks filled up and everywhere is closed due to the weather. Welcome to the South, I guess. Over the weekend we got about 3 inches of snow. As a girl who grew up in Florida snow is a BIG thing to me. Who don't love playing in the snow?
All-in-all I'm learning to take life as it comes. That my worrying/stress will not fix or prevent anything from happening. To love life and the ups and downs; from bubble baths to Psoriatic Arthritis...
Here are a few pictures I took recently...
Bella all grown up


Snow day!

Until next time....

Friday, February 1, 2013

Gun Control?

When thinking about all that is going on in this place we call, home, the United States I can't help but think about the recent shootings. A theater of people in Aurora, Colorado, a High School in California, Sandy Hook Elementary, a temple full of worshipers in Wisconsin, along with many other shootings, past and present. May God bless the families of those that have lost loved ones. Yet they don't seem to be the ones leading the gun control ban-wagon.

If you are alive you have heard about the gun control debate. If you haven't heard about it please tell me where you live because I will be moving there with my guns. It all seems a little funny to me that the actions of so few gun owners could possibly change history forever.

All this is coming from people who are protected by GUNS all day long. President Obama is surrounded by men with guns at all times. How is it fair to un-arm my family? Something about that just don't add up. In many parts of the US children are being brought up with guns, they are apart of everyday life. Children in the south are brought up shooting skeet, deer and anything that breaks into the house.

As a product of the south I grew up with guns! My Pawpaw and Daddy were and are avid hunters and as a child I grew up watching them skin deer. You may be going watched them skin deer... It was their way of teaching my little brother and I that GUNS kill things, animal or human. That if you point a gun at someone you best not be kidding around! To never walk into the house with the gun loaded and use the safety like your Bible. That guns were dangerous and they killed!!!

What will banning any number of guns or rounds of ammo do? Will banning a assault rifle keep these killings from happening? It only takes one bullet to do damage. Do you think criminals are gonna turn over/quit using their guns because they are illegal?
Attention you over paid, suit wearing idiots: Criminals don't follow the law anyway. You're really making the US safe!

Just a few weeks ago we all read or heard about the mother who defended her family and home with a gun.
The woman who lived in the house didn’t answer, and when the man began furiously pressing the doorbell, she called her husband, who called 911. The woman, whose name authorities are withholding, then got a .38-caliber revolver she kept in the house and gathered her young twins and hid with them in a closet inside the house, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported.
Seconds later, the man at the door, later identified by police as Paul Ali Slater, broke into the house with a crowbar and began ransacking the house.
Slater soon came upon the upstairs closet where the three were hiding and opened the doors, only to immediately be shot five times in the face and neck by the woman.

Read more:

The CRIMINAL was robbing the house and possibly going to harm the family with a crowbar... A Crowbar, a metal tool you use to pry stuff apart with. If this mother didn't have a gun we could have heard about THREE murders instead.... Are they gonna outlaw CROWBARS?

While the government is all into banning items if they would please ban: my living room rug because I trip on it daily. Please ban uneven sidewalks and the dark because stepping on dog bones really hurts. My life would be so much safer! What about cars? Cars kill people. What about harsher DUI/DWI penalties? They kill so many! Please tell me how removing guns is gonna make anythings safer?

So you have a gun?? Good you better buy all the ammo you can. You better buy all the guns you can. You better teach your children the purpose of a gun.