
Wednesday, June 19, 2013

This weeks Weight in and the Blog Advice Giveaway...

This past weekend was absolutely N-U-T-S....
Unfortunately we didn't have our weekly weigh in...
So I weighed myself and saw the number 5 again...
5lbs lost. WOW!!!
I am beginning to love the number 5...
That puts me 10lbs down since I started!
I can deal with 5lbs a week, it has became my goal. I strive for 5 each week! For now 5 seems like a good and attainable goal. In the past I have tried many diets just to fall back into my eating crap ways. The shakes that make the pounds melt off but, what happens when you start eating again. The crash diets that are horrible for your body and metabolism.
Weight Watchers seems to be a reasonable diet. You can eat what you want as long as your points allow it and if you don't eat smart you will run out of points before dinner. In the past I have done weight watchers and lost 30lbs but then gained it all back when Branden got sick and I had to become so responsible. It is my fault that I gained it back, I should have learned to deal with my stress in a different way.
Here are some pointers I have picked up and learned along the way:
Stress is NOT a reason to overeat or eat complete shit for food...
Find an outlet for your stress, Walking, Running, Writing, Whatev...
NOT eating is not a proper weight loss plan. Although effective you will suffer...
Your true friends and family don't care what the scale says. You can talk to them. IT WILL HELP!!!
The scale shouldn't determine how you look at yourself. You are YOU and that's all you can be...
If it ain't working for you change it...
Things I am looking forward to with losing weight:
Buying new clothes. I really love those high-low dresses...
Looking good in whatever I put on...
Feeling the confidence and achievements of a warrior...
Being fit to play with my, future, kids...
Looking good naked...
Along with so many others!
At 20lbs. lost I am debating putting up pictures and for every 20lbs after that as well. We will see if I actually have the power to press the publish button with my actual body on the screen.
FYI: I am not responsible for any broken computer screens or eye damage...

I have always loved the blogger Mama Laughlin. She is feisty and tells it how it is, much like myself. Since starting this life change I find myself searching her archives, for her struggles and when she first started losing weight. You can check out Mama Laughlin here! Mama Laughlin and some of her blogging girlfriends have started a giveaway and I want to be in it. For some unknown reason blogging is kinda my outlet. It's gives me a place to go and tell it all even if no one is reading. I am not quite sure how many readers I have. My last post, Food Makeover, had 15 views. Of those 15 people I know a few local people who probably read it but the rest I have no idea. Whoever is in the Netherlands and Germany, thanks for reading and nice to meet you!!!
I want my blog to be B-I-G and I have no idea why. Mama Laughlin is offering blog help with this giveaway her and her friends are doing. You can read about the giveaway here. Mama Laughlin has thousands of followers and has a really great blog. I want lots of followers and a really GREAT blog too. So Mama Laughlin Pick ME!!!!

Last but not least what is a post without pictures?
 Hubbs and I rescued this baby bunny from being eaten by the neighbors dog.
We let him go in the woods where he would be safe!!!

Movie night we watched Parker it was good. Totally a dude movie but, I like action films! 
We also managed to watch:
OZ- a new take on the Wizard of OZ. It was kinda strange but enjoyable
Hansel and Gretel- I highly recommend seeing this one.


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