
Thursday, June 27, 2013

Looking forward...

to Fashion...

Honestly I have always struggled with fashion. I know, what in the world??? If you were to drop me in a clothing store these days I would probably go for the most plain, boring, safe, outfit I could find. I would probably steer clear of the the high fashion isles, the hip clothes and you would most likely find me in the clearance racks or in the ladies section... I know, yet again, WHATTTT?

When I look around at women wearing clothes today all I see is skin, boob skin, leg skin, butt skin and honestly, sometimes, I think I see lady part skin. I am not kidding!!! Some people need to check the mirror before leaving the house. As a woman I know we like attention but, are you attracting the right attention?

With my new body come new clothes. With new clothes comes new fashion. I am excited about new fashion and clothes. Looking at the Almighty Pinterest I see some cute outfit and some stuff I can't help but laugh at... I have started a new board that is title "Future Skinny Clothes" . This is a collection of clothes that I hope to own something similar to one day soon.
Follow me, I put a badge up yesterday, on the home page (top right corner)!!!!

I had a friend that tried to assist me in the fashion department, one time. She was always dressed so cute. Her weighing only 110lbs. made everything look GREAT on her. When we tried similar clothing in my size, holy balls, that's all I got to say. For instance she had this shirt that fit in her boob region and had the bell look at the bottom, it was C-U-T-E..  We tried the same type look on me and I looked like I was suppose to be popping out a baby. FASHION FAIL!!!!!!!!!! I really don't think I have tried to be in fashion since then.

Hubbs opinion on all this stuff...
He thinks that someone is gonna come and sweep me off my feet, he is WRONG! My fashion is fine is fine to him. Men have to mentality that fashion never changes and for them it really doesn't. Lets see, when is the last time I bought Hubbs new clothes? A few months ago I went a bought a new Salt Life shirt but really, that's it.
So in the last 30 years men's shorts have become longer but, THAT'S IT!
He doesn't mind me buying new clothes, at all. This weekend we were out somewhere and I was window shopping and found this pretty-sweet dress hanging in a boutique window. Of course I mentioned it, just to get his opinion and he insisted for me to get it. As much as I liked that dress I refrained from buying it or even stepping foot into the store to look at it. When I try on clothes next time I want to be happy with what I see. I want to see that I can buy clothes that are not at the back of the rack. I want to see that the dressing room is more of a friend than a foe. At this point I am not there and I am ok with that because I am moving forward!

Here are some samples of the dresses I like. Another blogger buys this woman's clothes and they look awesome! Check out Brandi and Kiki La' Rue.

Both of these dresses are Kiki La' Rue. Yeah, I know, pretty awesome! And if they are still out when I get to perfect "Chelsea" size, I WILL OWN THEM. With one of those high-low dresses too!!!!

to gettin' my herrrr did...

Over the years I have developed this TERRIBLE habit of wearing my hair up. My hair is a mess! It's all curly and frizzy and honestly everywhere. So I have made a decision at my 20lb lost mark I am treating myself to a new dooo. That's right people this girl is gonna sit down, in a booth, with my awesome hair woman and say have fun, with some limitations. Limitations being the bottom layer CANNOT be shorter than my shoulders and NO hair dye. I am super stoked!!! Of course I will have a post with before and after pictures...

to Make-up...

Okay, I wear make-up now. Very little but, I wear make-up. I use Mary Kay products.
My daily make-up routine is:
Wash Face
Clean eyes with this pink, silky, love-in-a-bottle type stuff
Lotion up
Apply Mascara

Yeah, I know, boring. I have never been big on make-up but, if anyone wants to give lessons on how to do young looking make-up let me know.  Maybe part of the reason I don't really wear make-up is because I have clear skin, freckles and am ultra, glow in the dark, white. I don't think it would look right for my face to have no freckles and everywhere else have them. I don't think it would look right for my face skin to be dark than my body.

This girl need a complete makeover!!! I'm talking I better hire someone. I better start fertilizing the money tree, that is not growing in my back yard. Oh well, looks like I am on my own.


Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Not finding the five...

Did the number 5 and I break-up?
For the past couple weeks the number five and I have become friends. This Saturday, at my weekly weigh-in, I didn't see the five, blah. I actually didn't see any number. All day Saturday I was kinda upset that I worked hard to get the five, again, but it never showed up. On Sunday morning I did weigh myself, again, to see if maybe it was a fluke and the number three came into play. I am okay with a 3. It's not what I want to see but at least I am still moving and it's in the right direction.
I am currently debating on getting a different scale. I have the old fashion, dial scale. Although it is not that old, I think it needs to be replaced. Partly because of the reading I get fluctuate between stepping off and stepping right back on. So I think it's time to part with my scale and buy a new one. I'm probably gonna go digital. Why, sometimes I can't tell what line my current scale is on. There is no denying a actual number plus, it will have a tenths value also.
In other news my cousin, Logan, is getting his Kidney transplant today. Read Logan's story here. This little man is awesome! Logan was born with a kidney disease and as a baby had to have them removed. Logan since that point has been doing fine with his dialysis machine. Today Logan get to toss that machine into the past and be onto bigger things. Logan's kidney donor is his really life hero, his dad, Chris. How awesome is that? Pretty freakin' awesome if you ask me. Kidney transplants only last for about 10-15 years. So one day I hope to be tested as a donor for Little Logan.
Hubbs and I watched some pretty awesome movies this weekend. Here is the run down.
The Last Stand - Awesome and very action packed.
The Dark Night Rises - Seen it before still as good. Caught The Dark Night earlier in the week and had to rent this right behind it, of course.
Snitch - You gotta see this one!
Other than that kind of a stay at home weekend. Here are some random weekend pictures.
Summer Sunflower and bee. I love Sunflowers they are my absolute favorite!

I think I am gonna cut my hair off, when I get to 20lbs. lost. I really like this haircut!

Hubbs was bad on Friday and wanted Sonic when I got home from work.
Instead of blowing myself out the water with a Sonic Blast, I chose this.
Completely awesome, just as satisfying, Sunset Slush. You should check them out they are in Zebulon.
Check out there FaceBook.

Fresh flowers, for the kitchen table. Gotta love Summer!
We also planted pumpkins this weekend. Kinda late but atleast I won't have to worry about them going bad before Halloween.
After we planted it rained for 2 days so, we will see if anything comes up, at all!

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Miscellaneous Me....

Things you may not know...

I grew up in the south. I'm talking Bible Belt, boot wearing, waking up to the cows bellowing, mason jar drinking (before it was cool), South. 
Born and raised on a farm in Bryceville, Florida.
I moved to North Carolina when I was ten.
I met my best friend on my first day of school. She was "NEW" too. Love you MO!
I was born with straight hair and now it's curly as all-get-out.
I have always lived next door to my grandparents and I love it.
I have a little, read huge, brother. Somehow he got these genes that make him six foot tall.
That being said I'm only 5' 5 1/2" tall and yes the 1/2" is important
I L-O-V-E Softball
I wore glasses in kindergarten
I drive a Chevy Truck
Before my "lifestyle change" I was a fast food Mexican, read Taco Bell/Qdoba,  junky
My close friends call me RED
I wish my Florida family would move to NC. I really miss them.
P.S. Florida Family I spoke with the Highway Patrol they said it's okay to tie Nanny to the top of your vehicle, like they did in the Beverly Hillbilly's. You will only get pulled if they don't see her in the car with you....
I am learning to be healthy and eat REAL food
My body can not break down caffeine
I am allergic to wheat but I am obsessed with bread.
I think real Mango's taste like cleaning fluid, the artificial taste so much better.
Sunset Slush is the best Italian Ice EVER, OF ALL TIME!!! Try the Mango ;)
I love the town I live in
People waving at me makes my day, even if I don't know you
I married someone as stubborn as I am
It is impossible for me to tan. Which is a good thing cause I don't wanna look like a leather couch.
My dog is AWESOME. Gotta love wiener dogs!
Waking up to tractors and cows is the way every morning should start
Avid hunter, thanks Daddy!
My Mama always tells me to quit acting so much like my Daddy. What can I say I'm a Daddy's Girl!
Everybody says I look just like my Mama
I have my Mama's good side but, don't tell nobody...

I live the life I love and love the life I live!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

This weeks Weight in and the Blog Advice Giveaway...

This past weekend was absolutely N-U-T-S....
Unfortunately we didn't have our weekly weigh in...
So I weighed myself and saw the number 5 again...
5lbs lost. WOW!!!
I am beginning to love the number 5...
That puts me 10lbs down since I started!
I can deal with 5lbs a week, it has became my goal. I strive for 5 each week! For now 5 seems like a good and attainable goal. In the past I have tried many diets just to fall back into my eating crap ways. The shakes that make the pounds melt off but, what happens when you start eating again. The crash diets that are horrible for your body and metabolism.
Weight Watchers seems to be a reasonable diet. You can eat what you want as long as your points allow it and if you don't eat smart you will run out of points before dinner. In the past I have done weight watchers and lost 30lbs but then gained it all back when Branden got sick and I had to become so responsible. It is my fault that I gained it back, I should have learned to deal with my stress in a different way.
Here are some pointers I have picked up and learned along the way:
Stress is NOT a reason to overeat or eat complete shit for food...
Find an outlet for your stress, Walking, Running, Writing, Whatev...
NOT eating is not a proper weight loss plan. Although effective you will suffer...
Your true friends and family don't care what the scale says. You can talk to them. IT WILL HELP!!!
The scale shouldn't determine how you look at yourself. You are YOU and that's all you can be...
If it ain't working for you change it...
Things I am looking forward to with losing weight:
Buying new clothes. I really love those high-low dresses...
Looking good in whatever I put on...
Feeling the confidence and achievements of a warrior...
Being fit to play with my, future, kids...
Looking good naked...
Along with so many others!
At 20lbs. lost I am debating putting up pictures and for every 20lbs after that as well. We will see if I actually have the power to press the publish button with my actual body on the screen.
FYI: I am not responsible for any broken computer screens or eye damage...

I have always loved the blogger Mama Laughlin. She is feisty and tells it how it is, much like myself. Since starting this life change I find myself searching her archives, for her struggles and when she first started losing weight. You can check out Mama Laughlin here! Mama Laughlin and some of her blogging girlfriends have started a giveaway and I want to be in it. For some unknown reason blogging is kinda my outlet. It's gives me a place to go and tell it all even if no one is reading. I am not quite sure how many readers I have. My last post, Food Makeover, had 15 views. Of those 15 people I know a few local people who probably read it but the rest I have no idea. Whoever is in the Netherlands and Germany, thanks for reading and nice to meet you!!!
I want my blog to be B-I-G and I have no idea why. Mama Laughlin is offering blog help with this giveaway her and her friends are doing. You can read about the giveaway here. Mama Laughlin has thousands of followers and has a really great blog. I want lots of followers and a really GREAT blog too. So Mama Laughlin Pick ME!!!!

Last but not least what is a post without pictures?
 Hubbs and I rescued this baby bunny from being eaten by the neighbors dog.
We let him go in the woods where he would be safe!!!

Movie night we watched Parker it was good. Totally a dude movie but, I like action films! 
We also managed to watch:
OZ- a new take on the Wizard of OZ. It was kinda strange but enjoyable
Hansel and Gretel- I highly recommend seeing this one.


Saturday, June 15, 2013

Food Makeover...

This week I was trying to figure out what we would have for dinner when a favorite food came to mind. I LOVE fast food Mexican, well kinda Mexican, meals; You could call me the queen junky for Taco Bell and Qdoba.

This week I had a hankering for Qdoba's Three Cheese Chicken Nachos. Although they are delish I knew they couldn't be healthy so, I did a little research and this is what I found.

Three Cheese Nachos W/ Chicken and Pico
Calories: 510
Total fat: 31g
Fiber: 5g

Being that I am on (old) weight watcher these are the numbers that are important to me. One of my favorite meals added up to be 13 points. For someone who gets 26 points a day I could not have this meal crashing my entire days work. I don't use the extra points allotted weekly...

Instead of brushing the craving off and letting it turn into a giant binge eating blowout, I took on the challenge to remake the meal. I had a blast trying to remake the meal with all the taste and not blow by day out of the water.

With some simple ingredients I had in my fridge I made it happen and boy howdy it was G-O-O-D!

Ingredients Needed:

Tyson Ready Grill Chicken Breast Strips
Grated Mozz. Cheese
Monterey Jack Queso Cheese
Flatout Multi-Grain Wraps

I took 2 Flatout Wraps and cut them into chip shapes and baked them for 10 minutes on 350.
While those where baking I got the rest of the ingredients ready; I used the recommended serving size of the chicken, microwaved, 4 tablespoons of the queso dip, microwaved and topped it off with the shredded cheese. Voila!!!

Tyson Chicken :
Calories: 100
Fat: 2g
Fiber: 0g

Flatout Wraps:
Calories: 100 x 2 = 200
Fat: 2.5g x 2 = 5g
Fiber: 8g x 2 = 16g

Calories: 40 x 2= 80
Fat: 2.5g x 2= 5g
Fiber: 0

Cheese (1/2 serving):
Calories: 40
Fat: 6g
Fiber: 0

Here is a side-by-side comparison

Qdoba's Three Cheese Chicken Nachos:                    Chelsea's Makeover Chicken Nachos:
Calories: 510                                                               Calories: 420
Total fat: 31g                                                               Fat: 18g
Fiber: 5g                                                                      Fiber: 16g
(Old) WW Points: 13                                            (Old) WW Points: 7

Chelsea 1/Failed Food Makeovers 0
Food Makeover... Look for this to be a reoccurring topic!!!

Tomorrow is weigh-in day. Mother Nature has been throwing a temper tantrum in my neck of the wood lately so I have only walked 3 times this week but, I am feeling pretty good. We will find out tomorrow!!!

Friday, June 14, 2013

A change in the scale

This past week I hopped on the lifestyle change ban-wagon and didn't do to shabby. I am following the Weight Watchers system and it seems to be working. This past Saturday I weight in 5lb. lighter. FIVE seems like a good weekly number to strive for.

How Weight Watchers works. It seems as if Weight Watchers teaches you how to eat, that just because you had one bad meal doesn't mean your day or week is ruined by a bad decision. I am on the old system and do it at home. Although Weight Watchers has weekly meetings you can attend or do the system online, I choose to do it on my own. My mom has previously been on Weight Watchers so I just borrowed her books. Here is a website you can go to find your daily point limit. You don't have to have all the proper equipment to follow this system. This website will tell you how many points you should have, how many points generic food has and also a calculator to find the points of your favorite food by just entering info off the nutrition label.

Here are just some pointers I go by; the higher dietary fiber the better, the lower the fat the better and every 50 calories I calculate as 1 point, just to be safe.

This is what my daily food intake looks like.

Breakfast (6am):
1 tablespoon Peanut Butter- 2 Points
1 English Muffin- 2 Points
1 cup Kellogg's Corn Flakes- 2 Points
1/2 cup skim milk- 1 Point

Mid-Morning Snack (9:30ish):
Fruit of choice- Normally 1-2 Points
Skinny Cow Cheese Wedge- 1 Point
7 Triscuit Thins- 1 Point

Lunch (12:30ish):
Smart One's Meals or Lean Cuisine- Points Vary, Generally 6-8 Points
(This is a great option for Mornings you are running late or you didn't have leftovers)
Leftovers from this weeks Suppers

Mid-Afternoon Snack (4ish):
Fiber One 90 Calorie Bar- 1 Point
100 Calorie Bag Popcorn - 2 Points
Sugar Free Pudding Cup- 1 Point

Dinner (7ish):
Healthy variations of favorite meals. Try and use remained of Points.

Weight Watchers recommends you try and use all your daily points. Many days this is a challenge for me. This is my thing, if you are full don't eat them. Do you fell deprived? Do you have extra points? Do you want ice cream? Eat you some ice cream then!

Exercise is a big part of loosing weight and weight watchers encourages you to exercise. I try and do some type of physical activity everyday. Walking is my favorite!

Saturday is our next weight in I will keep you posted on the progress!