
Wednesday, November 21, 2012

July 16, 2012 Part 3

The week of July 16, 2012.

The day of July 16th will forever be with my family, many dear friends and the stables.

I'm proud to be southern and proud that in times like this your friends pull together to support you. Everyday that week we were all at Grandma's house. When I say all I mean all 14 of us. Friends and family kept food and the necessities in the house. Thats the most fried chicken I have ever seen; I was glad to see a veggie tray.

We had to schedule and do all the normal things that come along with a family death. Jimmy was not a sad person, so we decided a Celebration of Life would be best. Jimmy's saying when he saw somebody upset or crying would be 'what you crying for?' so a traditional service would not have worked. The date was set and Saturday we would honor Jimmy. As the week went on we all had so much to do, in preparation for Saturday.

Saturday came as it always does. Simone and Priscilla made the most beautiful pamplets to give out to everyone. Mom, Freda and I made a wreath to put Jimmy's urn in, put pictures in frames and tied lots of bows. Jimmy was as southern as sweet tea! Some fancy funeral service wouldnt have worked. So we had it at the stables. We all wore camo, t-shirt with the sleeve cut out or the stable shirts. It was perfect! So many people came out to honor that wonderful man and did so much to help. I could never thank you all enough, but thank you! DJ Sweetz (a cousin) came and played some of Jimmy's favorite songs, people brought food to eat, pictures of Jimmy and we celebrated the 52 years of Jimmy we had.

Branden and I sending ballons out in rememberance of Jimmy!!!
People came up and talked about times they had with Jimmy. About growing up as a child around the stables. About the fishing trips they had been on with him. About working some 30 years with him.  One guy said that he had Jimmy recorded on his phone catching a fish and laughing so hard.
 I would love to see it and be able to share it with the family.
About hunting trips with Jimmy and Branden. About how much Jimmy loved Branden.

(It's not that Jimmy didn't love the rest of us! Jimmy and Branden just had a bond, a father-son bond. Branden was the son Jimmy never had and Jimmy was the dad Branden needed. They had their fights, but who doesn't. They talked everyday! They spent every weekend together. I am glad to say that Branden had a bond like that with Jimmy.)

If you weren't in Jimmy's life its cause you chose not to be, he invited everyone and anyone to dinners, baseball games and hunting/fishing trips. People came from the bass club, the hunting club, other horse stables and many people called that couldnt make it. I think someone called Simone from Canada about Jimmy!!!

There was suppose to be a fishing tourny on that Saturady but they put it off to come to Jimmy's Celebration. They even invited Branden and Tim to fish in Jimmy's spot. Branden was so excited! Jimmy had taught Branden how to do everything on the boat so Branden knew what he was doing. That next morning Branden and Tim set off despite a little rain and went to the boat ramp. Blast off was early but Branden's mom and I had to go watch them blast off. They decided to dedicate the fishing tourament to Jimmy! As they blasted off that morning they gathered around, said a little prayer and thanked God for the many days they had with Jimmy. Then they blasted off!

Branden and Tim leaving from dock.

The dedication to Jimmy and prayer time.
As mom and I watch Branden and Tim take off on Jimmy's boat the water works starts. We were sleep deprived, worn out and extra emotional we couldnt help but cry our eyes out. About half way across the lake we hear Branden let out a big hollar. He was on his way, on his way out to do what Jimmy had taught him. We couldnt help but laugh a little through our big CROCODILE tears.

Branden and Tim didnt win the BIG Tournament. Branden caught one fish. The family came to watch Branden and Tim weight in and it was wonderful. We all boo-hoo'd together. We also discovered a new bond. Colbey with Branden like Branden was with Jimmy!!!
It was hard! Hard to go to work. Hard to see the family hurt. Hard to see Grandma and Grandpa fall apart. Hard to hear Colbey (Branden's Cousin who is 5) say he can't go on a boat ride with Jimmy anymore. Hard to see Grandma's house without Jimmy. Most of all hard to see it rip our family apart! Nothing about death is easy and nothing will ever be the same once something like this happens.

Uncle Jimmy 04/05/1960-07/16/2012
Jimmy we miss you, love you and it aint the same without you. See you again one day in heaven!Please watch over the family.

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