I'm feel'n extra talkative today. I hope everyone's year is off to a great start! My year has been pretty great so far...
I got a new job, 5 minutes from home!
I officially started Weight Watchers... officially means I'm not using my Mom's books from 1995. Hello 21st century with cool apps! I have lost 8lbs since, joining said Weight Watchers, the week of Christmas! See you later 'Thunder Thighs'...
So, maybe, my New Year started a little before it actually got here. Yes, I fell off my rocker and bumped my head when I joined Weight Watchers the week of Christmas. Why wait though, Christmas will be back around next year, but my thunder thighs won't.
I love the NEW Weight Watchers program!
This year has been full of surprises and emotions. Let's run through the highlights if 2013...
Lost 30lbs and found a little more of myself (one of last years resolutions). Here's the first 20lbs.
My husband started feeling well enough to go back to work. Read about his condition here.
My brother signed up and left for the military.
Joined a gym and actually went to workout.
Consistently tried to eat healthy and not gain what I lost.
Took better care of my skin (one of last years resolutions).
Found time for myself and took bubble bathes (one of last years resolutions).
My brother made surprise visits for Thanksgiving and Christmas!

Read about last years Resolutions HERE.
My brother made surprise visits for Thanksgiving and Christmas!
Read about last years Resolutions HERE.
Resolutions/Goals for 2014
Find the size that fits Chelsea. I wouldn't say I have a goal weight but I wanna find what I feel comfortable at.
Update my clothing fashion a little bit, yall if fashion /style is considered by how much of your goods you hang out I will never be in style. Some of the outfits I see around excuse me ma'am your cooch meat is hanging out are redic...
Blog more and inspire people in need.
Learn how to run and finish a 5k.
What's resolutions did you make? Are you still hanging in there?
Yall, make 2014 an Awesome year!!!