
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Growing up as me, Chelsea...

Growing up I was not necessarily popular.
I had red hair. I got picked on for it.
I was super-pasty-white. I got picked on for it.
I was not a stick figure.
I was country
I moved here to NC as a pre-teen and had no life long friends.
I wasn't in the "in crowd"
I didn't care about being the best dressed
My hair was always a crazy, curly, mess.
I didn't feel pretty
I didn't feel worthy
I had self-esteem issues
I didn't love, Chelsea

People were not nice.
Growing up this way created a hard shell.
I built big time walls, like the wall of China.

I was blunt, too blunt
I didn't care what anyone had to say
I didn't know how to take joke.
Being the joke for most of my life, made taking an innocent joke hard.
I lost a lot of friends
I ended friendship before they even started
I didn't take shit

My junior year, of High school, I started to realize that I am, and will always be, Chelsea. This name will follow me around for the rest of my life. That I couldn't change the past but the future was all mine.

I started becoming friends with this girl I had lived my whole life with, myself.
I learned to embrace the person I was
Super-pasty-white, bright red-curly-crazy-big mess-hair, Chelsea.

I wasn't going to "fit in", I was going to be me.
I wasn't going to change me to be something I wasn't.
I started loving, Chelsea and it showed.
The walls came down.
I got new friends
Kept some old friends and got rid of some useless ones.
People started to like, Chelsea
I got hurt, I brushed it off and kept on going

To love your life you have to love yourself. To have true friends you have to be a true person.

You have to love yourself.

What is life if you can't laugh at yourself. Have fun with the person you are with all your flaws. You are you and that's all you can be, naturally.

People are going to hate.
There will always be the one person that calls you, white.
That someone who mentions your weight.
One person you ended a friendship with before it even started.
Those times are only temporary. You are you forever!

So you have curves? Good, I'm sure you look good in jeans.

What you have curly hair too? Oh-emm-gee love your curls everyone else does!

You're only tan when compared to a sheet of paper or Elmer's glue?
Well I guess you and I wont have to worry about looking like a wrinkled up, leather couch.
I'm sure most of you have seen this on national news. This man was a semi-truck driver for many years. The side of his face that was protected vs. the side that took the suns beating.


Embrace yourself, love yourself. You are you!

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Hair cut...

So I scheduled my hair cut.
You're probably thinking that I have made it to the 20lb lost mark.
You're wrong.
I haven't lost any weight and it's frustrating!
I have been eating healthy and have not budged one bit on, my friendemy, the scale.
What do I do?
I have not moved any on the scale in a couple weeks now and I am pissed! Monday I took out my frustrations on the unhealthy food in the house... I ate it. I figured if I am eating healthy and seeing no change then I must be doing something wrong. Or doing things completely right and my body is doing things completely wrong. I just don't know!!! So I figured a good spike in calories couldn't hurt and I ate like a mad woman... What do you do when you are stuck?
This week I will lose 5 pound! I have scheduled my hair appointment for next Wednesday and it will be gone by then. Gone, never coming back, see you on someone else's back, gone for good, gone. If I have to eat broccoli every night and walk in a monsoon it will be gone! I started counting calories with Myfitnesspal also. Maybe this will turn things around and I am trying to stay away from wheat products. We will see how that goes.
This week I am working on my legs. I double hate my inner thighs!!! So I am targeting them this week with strenght training. Last week I worked on my arms.
Here is this past weekends happenings...
Friday night we went out with the Hubb's boss and his family. All inclusive date with dinner and a movie, The Conjuring is scary! I can never make it through an entire movie without having to go use the Ladie's Room. Never fails, I always say I can make it through a movie, hold it as long as possible then realize I will never make it without a potty break.

Of course I would pick the only stall with no latch. Great job, Genius!
For dinner we had Mexican, love. I had Chicken breast with black beans and a water.
Saturday we were really busy and I neglected to take pictures. I got all this Saturday night at Walgreen's. I paid for the vitamins and got the rest for less than a dollar, score!!!
In other news my phone has not been cooperating properly and my instagram wouldn't work for the last week. I finally fixed it, I think. I couldn't post a picture of the Shrimp & Grits I cooked last Thursday. They were so good! Super easy. Microwave bacon for 5 minutes. Wrap shrimp in pre-cooked bacon. Grill until shrimp are done. Plop them bad boys on some grits and get down!

Follow me.
Instagram @littlebittraditional
and here of course...
Got a weight loss tip? Leave it in the comment section!!!

Friday, July 19, 2013

Near Death...

...thanks to a pair of running shoes.
Wednesday, when I got home from work, I was set on getting the scale to move.
I have read that with running the weight just kinda falls of. We will see!
I started the Couch2fivek (C25k) and I almost died.
It was 92 and very humid.
I am not a runner!
Running around the bases is about my extent.
I haven't played softball since Junior year of High school.
I am not a runner, did I say that yet?
Running to me is really just a mind game.
How far can you push yourself?
From one light pole to the next, from one driveway to the next.
Can you run for 60 seconds straight?
You can do it, yes you can.
Day 1 Week 1 of C25k:
warm up for 5min. steady walk
60 seconds jogging
90 seconds walking
Repeat jogging and walking for 20 min.
Now it may not seem like a lot a running but, it is hard.
You know what I realized?
You can do anything you put your mind too.
I have always known this but not with exercise.
I never thought I was strong enough.
I am and you are too...
I was ubber proud of myself when I finished.
I was proud to be out of breath.
Proud to be tomato-red-face.
Proud to be all sweaty!
Proud to know that the only thing that can beat me is me.
I am in control!
Under my belt I have day 1 of C25k finished.
Today I am suppose to complete Day 2.
It is the same routine as Day 1.

Lets see how this goes!!!

Remember you can follow me and my adventures on instagram @littlebittraditional

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Finish the sentence... Linkup


So today I'm linking up with Holly, check her out at, Where We Can Live Like Jack & Sally.
This is my first linkup, here you go!
If I had one extra hour in the day... I would probably sleep it away.
I wish my name... Wasn't so common.I think anything chevron is... Still called Zig-Zags. I didn't even know what Chevron was until, following SkinnyMeg's Blog, last month. That girl has a Chevron addiction!
My last nightmare... I was kidnapped by Hillbillies, that had no teeth and lived in a adult Tree house. Yeah, don't ask.
Sometimes... I think this blog is FAMOUS! Holla all 2 followers.
My last meal on earth would be... Sausage Biscuit Gravy.
I would much rather be pastey white than look like a leather couch.
Mayonnaise... Has to be the most disgusting thing ever made. It looks like... Never mind!
10 years ago, I didn't think... Much at all, I was 12, probably boys, boys and softball.
Selfishly... I think everyone should have to be fat once in their life. SHIT SUCKS!
My favorite show on TV right now... Is currently not in season, gotta love Duck Dynasty.
Happy, Happy, Happy!!!
And, George Zimmerman... Case has been blown out of proportion! Thanks to the government & Celebs, y'all are idiots. They have turned this into a racial case, black vs. white.
NEWSFLASH he's half Hispanic, they are like Switzerland! The jurors decided, let the case go. Welcome to the USA, melting pot of the world, different races and cultures.
Does that mean every murder case is racial or based on prejudices? NO!

Welcome to the world of Chelsea! Stay for a while. Follow me, blogging, instagram @littlebittraditional and on FaceBook
Check in tomorrow and read the near death experience, I had Yesterday!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

You got this. You can do it. I got faith in you....

I originally started my weight loss journey over a year ago...
Things happened, I fell off the ban wagon...
I gained back all of the 30lbs. I worked my ass off to lose...
I made excuses... My husband was sick, I was stressed to the max, We were a one income family, Hubbs father figure passed away.... All excuses!

With losing weight you have to realize everyday is a new day, a new day to start over, a new day to eat right, a new day to exercise....
A new day to be the person you wanna be!


If I had not given up and made excuses where would I be now? Would I be at my goal weight of 140? Would I be strutting my stuff? Would I be happy in a itsy, bitsy, tiney, wieny, bikini?

These are things I will never know because, I gave up, I made excuses, I wasn't motivated!

Staying motivated is a huge part of making this, long, weight loss journey attainable. Here are some of the things I'm doing to keep me motivated.

Although I have an overall goal of weighing 140, that's a long way off. It could take me a while to reach that goal and I'm ok with that. Yes, I wish it was as easy as snapping fingers but, its not, it's hard work to achieve what you want. I am working away!

So I haven't lost any weight the past 2 weeks and I pretty down but, I am gonna do this and I will win. I am setting mini-goals to get me thought till I make 140lbs. They seem very attainable, at this point and keep up my motivation. Some of my goals are by pounds lost and others are strictly time driven.

20lbs lost- I am gonna get my hair cut. I don't really cut my hair that much. I don't go to the salon every month. I am more of a get my hair cut every six months. It's been way past six months, probably a year... So, imma get my herrr did!
I am currently 5lbs of meeting my first goal.
(At 20lbs. lost you also get a picture comparison)
30lbs lost- We are gonna have a family seafood thing. Growing up on the beaches of Florida, you couldn't help but love it. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE SEAFOOD!!!!! I am kinda undecided on this goal but something will happen when I make it to this point. I am not sure if I should reward my weight loss with food. What's you opinion? Is this a good choice? Work my ass off, literally, to go eat... I DON'T KNOW! 
3 weeks from now, Hubbs and I have an opportunity to go to the beach, here in NC. I don't want to feel like a complete beached whale, seal, hippo... I have a goal to lose 15lbs. Yeah, it's 5lbs a week, I've done 5lbs in a week before, I can do it again!
My little brother is suppose to graduate, from BT, in late September. Read my brothers story here. September is also my birthday month. So naturally I have a goal for September! I want to be in the 170's. We will say on weigh in day September 21st, I will be there. That's 10 Saturdays from now. Very attainable!
I will be updating daily thru my instagram.
So if you don't follow me hop on over and follow username: littlebittraditional
No post is complete without pictures...
Oh, weekend how I miss you!
Friday I came home to my, 83 Year old, Pawpaw digging a ditch. You can't tell'em nothing! He wouldn't let me help so, I was the supervisor.
Saturday we went to Luke Bryan.
He was awesome and pretty good at shaking it!
Branden had a little too much fun with his friends and I caught this on camera! Oh, liquid courage...
We had pretty awesome seats. Thanks Keith & Tracie!!!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Car Wreck, Diet Wreck, Total Wreck...

What a Wreck!!!

Just to give y'all a heads up this post is gonna be a little scattered, forgive me.

I don't know about the weather where y'all live but here summer has turned into Monsoon Season. Do I have any donors for ark supplies? Last night we got 4 inches in 2 hours. Needless to say everything is flooded 'round here! And with so much rain its hard for it all to soak in, leading to dangerous situations.

This past week the Hubbs started a job after 2 years of not working.
Cue the choir, Hallelujah!
He loves it and seems to be handling the pain and working pretty well. Unfortunately he got in a car wreck on his first day of work. People drive even crazier when it rains, round here! To keep from plowing a Jeep in the side (with a small child int he front seat), Branden tried to take the grass. The rain has everything so soggy it gave away and he landed in the ditch. Hubbs got away with a cut up knee and some whiplash symptoms. The truck didn't have sucha good day but, can be fixed. Thanks to Hubbs new job we got to enjoy eating out without it being Subway or Dolla Menu. Holla!!!

If anyone is in the Raleigh area y'all gotta check out A'nets catch in Knightdale. It's a little place but the food is awesome. Great food, Great price and it's a local business score!!! This is whats left of the crab legs I devoured.
Check'em out!
(I don't receive any discount or free items for talking about any one place. I do it because they're awesome!)

Ive been kinda down on my weight loss journey lately, I haven't seen the scale move!
I am not giving up!!!!
NON-Scale Victories-
My sleeping has improved tremendously!
My shirts are fitting looser. The shirt I have on today was T-I-G-H-T just a month ago!
Feeling more confident.
I am working out multiply times a week!
All NON-Scale Victories!!!
Heath my little brother has been gone for a week. Read his story here! My parents are a total wreck, for the first time in 22 years they are by themselves. My dad caught some mean virus after Heath left which made him and the king thrown BFF's. He's probably reading this and saying nerves don't make you run a fever. Hi, Dad!!! Mama has taken it pretty well. The only part that bothers her is not being able to talk to Heath. Poor woman has to take care of the house, work and talk care of a sick man.
All us women know how it is caring for a sick man or man-child...
To lighten them up a little we invited them over for some comfort food. This is where the diet wreck comes in. Comfort food is BAD food! I was blessed with the ability to cook. This can be a problem when trying to eat healthy! Last night I broke bad and made homemade, mustard fried, pork chops. Boy-howdy them things were good!

I diet planned to eat the pork chops but actually doing it gave me the diet fail syndrome.
Today is a new day!

Today, I will start Zumba for Wii, until I can make it back outside.
How ya like that fried pork chops???
This past weekend I had a FOUR day weekend, God Bless 'Murica!
Check out this weekend in the picture montage..
With all the rain the garden was down right swampy. Thank goodness for rain boots!
Got this on Friday from my brother, made my day!1

Mama and I went walking and found this forgotten gem!!!



Wednesday, July 3, 2013

I Ugly Cry!

This is my Brother...

Monday we sent my brother on his way with the US Army. 

My brother has grown up wanting to have one of the most important jobs possible, becoming a member of the United States Army. You figure growing up knowing your brother was gonna be a military man would make things easier; I assure you it doesn't! 

Monday at 2pm we dropped him off at the recruit center for his last visit. After checking in we were able to pick him up from his hotel in Raleigh and go out to dinner. Heath's dinner of choice was steak, so to Outback we went. The service was great, they let us sit there for a few hours without any rush and they brought Heath desert. As our time came to a close at the restaurant, reality sat in that we, my parents, Branden, The Kellum's and myself, were gonna have to leave and get Heath back to the hotel. Never has leaving been so hard. As our little family pulled up to the hotel, to let Heath out, reality was there that we would have to let him go. 


Just so you all know I ugly cry, I'm talking baby just losing her passy ugly! I was fine till Mama started and it was all over from there. Ugly, big baby, red face tomato, cry! Growing up much like the Walton's, goodnight John Boy, made my family close. It's hard seeing apart of my little family leave. Heath has always been right next door, rather it was the bedroom next door or the house next door, we have never been far apart. Right now, Oklahoma might as well be another country, it sure feels like it.
My little brother is a member of The United States Army. He will be at basic in Fort Sill, Oklahoma. He is my hero! 
Please keep all branches of the Military in your prayers. After all they are the reason you are free. 
If you don't stand behind our troops, feel free to stand in front of them!

On another note, this past weekends ramblings in picture...

Friday I got off of work early so I took these two out for Mexican and Sunset Slush.
What weekend is complete without the wonderful goodness of Italian ice?
Heath and I love Mexican, Branden was just along for the ride.
I had Chicken Fajitas w/o the flour wraps and black beans.
and for desert we stopped at the hottest spot in town for Italian Ice.
Y'all gotta try the Mango! A 10oz. serving rings right in at 250 calories.

Sunday night we went to the movies and saw the best movie. Y'all gotta see White House Down! Funny, action packed and all around a wonderful movie.
Get yo hands off my Jordans!!!